Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A few remarks

Things continue to move, although very slowly.

Today, I filled up the fresh-water tank from the well.  I could have done this all along, but today was finally the day to try it out.  It acted a little squirrely when I took a shower.  At least it works, for now.

A few days ago, I was perusing YouTube when I found some crafts that utilized concrete cloth.  This gave me an idea to use that to make another Quonset hut.  Maybe one of these days.  It would take a lot of fabric to cover the cattle panels.  It would be messy to dip the fabric into the concrete, and then hang it on the cattle panel.

I was wondering if there was a way to rig it so that I wouldn't have to get my hands in it and on my clothes.  What a mess that would be.

Here's a rig:  there would be a container that I would make with plywood.  It will be large enough to run a large piece through it a one time.  There would be rollers positioned so that the cloth would have to pass through the rollers and the concrete and out of the container.  From the container, it would be stretched out on to the cattle panel immediately to dry.

Maybe bed sheets would work the best.  Those would be long enough so that one cut in half would cover the entire cattle panel ( or come close ).

The trouble with this is that it may take more than one person to do the job.  If I end up doing this, I think I could find somebody who could help.

As for any other topic, I still haven't made my ladder yet.  Still thinking about it.

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