98.6 Degrees, The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive, by Cody Lundin
Cody Lundin's Aboriginal Living Skills at www.alssadventures.com ( link )
Some brief bullet points:
-Reality check
-Discussion of book, method of imparting his message
-Not a "field guide", rehearsal as opposed to bringing along books
-What is a "survival kit"?
-Simplicity stressed throughout book
-How survival situations get started
-Enemies to your survival
-Prior training for potential emergencies is the wisest move
-Several lists to memorize ( my recommendation )
-Stress impairs fine motor skills, but not gross physical ones
-biggest people killer is exposure
-controlling fear and the "Party on!" attitude
-must keep hydrated!
-Preparing your kit--- KISS principle, ( keep it simple, stupid )
-Panic proofing
-Tell people where you're going and when you're expected back
-Imcomplete list here, as I haven't finished the 2nd reading of the book