Sunday, March 22, 2020

Off-grid post, 3.22.20

Obviously, there's not a lot going on with this blog lately. One problem is that I just don't spend that much time on the plans. But the plan is still a go for some time in the future. It may be in the next two years, or not at all. It all depends on what happens.

In the meantime, I continue to practice on what I know. One thing I did today may help a bit. I collected all my sources of information, and placed it in one spot. There's a lot of it. A lot to review as I wish.

I started to make some instructional videos, but events side-tracked that effort. Perhaps I can start that again.

One resource is my Kindle. It is the original Kindle when it was introduced. I bought this thing back in 2008. The Kindle has a few resources, and one of those I reviewed today. It is about the plants that I may be able to use out there. I was thinking of evaluating that once I spend enough time out there to do so. Yeah, one more thing on the list.

As of this writing, there's the Wuhan virus going around. It seems a pity now that I am not out there growing my own food. It seemed safer here. Perhaps it still is. There is no perfect safety anywhere. There is a downside to every choice you make. Regardless of what many people may be thinking, this thing is really not much different from the many risks taken on any given day---virus or not.

You can talk yourself into trouble a lot easier than you can talk yourself out of it.

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