Friday, February 11, 2011

Space Show Today

Just finished listening in.  Don't usually listen, which is unfortunate since I write so much about the subject.  The show is a really good resource to go to in order to learn what happening in space.

Today's guest was John Logsdon.  Most of what I heard was about the race to the moon.  In order to discuss this in depth, I will have to listen to it again.  If there was anything that I had a question about (but didn't ask) is that he may have said something to the effect that no imperative exists as it did in the sixties.  If he did say that, I would have to disagree.  If there is an imperative for this country today, it is to solve its energy problem, and as I have stated before, the answer to this could be in space.

If that isn't an imperative, then there could never be one.

Update: 30 min later

I decided to order a copy of his book that they discussed.  I will get it on Tuesday.  Look for my discussion of the book at that time.

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