Wednesday, January 29, 2020

off-grid post 1.29.20

It has rained a lot this winter.  Actually, this isn't much of a winter.  Very mild, but
rainy.  It has given me a lot of practice with my water capture techniques.  Water filtration
has been practiced on other occasions.  As a matter of fact, the best system would be to
capture the water and then use a powered filtration system to clean the rainwater.  The
water that you can capture is still going to have dirt and whatnot in it.  It may also
have bad stuff in it, so it needs to be cleaner yet before it can be said to be potable.

A Berkey filtration system can take some water like that and finish the job.  For an extra
measure of safety, you can add some chemical treatment to it.  No need to get sick from
the water.

Therefore, if there's rain, I can capture "enough".

Trouble is, out there it can be very, very dry.  I need to check and see what kind of winter
they have had out there.  In the first three years, I watched this stuff like a hawk,
but in the last two or three winters, I have not watched it much at all.

Back to the weather:  it has rained so much out here this winter, I haven't any place to
put this water.  I don't have the filtration system in place, so mostly, I just dump
the water.  It seems like a terrible waste.  You learn to appreciate something you have
to work hard to obtain.

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