Sunday, September 15, 2024

Update, 9/15/24

Moved the swamp cooler out and moved the washer inside. The washer is light enough to lift up and carry outside a short distance so that it can be used to do some pre-washing. The battery needs charging, so the solar powered battery is being used to charge up the lead acid battery that I'm using for the washing machine.

Washing clothes is another way to use the solar panels. Then hang the clothes out on a clothes line. Hey, that takes you back in time, eh? Clothes lines used to be quite common. Not so much now.

I put the waste water from washing on an ant-hill. Insects do not react well to detergents. It messes up their oily external skeletal structure, and makes it hard for them to breathe properly. Just thought of something. Insects cannot tolerate boron. I noticed that Borax has boron in it, so the use of this type of waste water on ant beds may actually be quite effective. If they don't drown, they'll die of boron poisoning.

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