Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Off-grid remarks 12.31.19

This is the day to look back on what was accomplished in the previous year.

Er, not much.

I made a visit in February, stayed for a few hours, and left.

Perhaps a few plans got more firm than before.  A building plan seems to have been finalized.  Maybe.

In two years, I'll be at the halfway point in the payment schedule.  This is an accomplishment, but it would be better if something was actually out there.  Once the financial situation improves, then that excuse will go away.

Lately, I've figured out a way to align my trailer perfectly along the east-west line.  Just wait until the midpoint of the day, when the sun is directly south.  This will be true in any season.  The shadow will make a perfect north-south line, and a perpendicular line makes east-west.

Therefore, I have a building plan, a location decided, and it's orientation on the property.  As for building the thing, there isn't much else to do, besides getting out there and doing it.

One thing to wait on is a better financial position.  This could take up to two years.

But I could go sooner if I wanted to.  Or not at all.

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