Sunday, December 8, 2019




A ladder may not be necessary, but it may be desirable.  There are downsides to making one.  It will cost money.  It may break, especially with me on it.   On the other hand, it may not be useful enough to make it worthwhile.

Still scoping out how to proceed.

Instead of make a screen for an incinerator, I just used my washtub.   I burned a few pieces of paper in order to try it out.  This is a poor man's way of getting rid of some trash. 


A ladder may not be necessary.  Nor the other project.  An alternative to a ladder would be some type of seal for the leak that would not require that I get on top of the trailer.  Perhaps the seal could be slid into place.  A piece of plastic might do the job.  Some Flex-seal around the seams would finish it off.

A small metal container may be all that is necessary for burning small amounts of paper.  No need to make the thing I was considering.


I am leaning towards making the ladder.  It can be mounted on the bumper.  It will need bracing to keep it steady.  In addition, I can pour some concrete to make it virtually immovable.

The ladder that is available is too short.  There is another, but it is so large that I hesitate to use it.

Still considering the options.


Now there may be a couple.

The second project is to build a ladder so that I can get on the roof of the RV trailer.  There's a leaky area up there I'd like to access, and there may be other reasons that I can think up later.

It doesn't have a built-in roof, so either I use a ladder or I build one against the RV.  I choose the latter because the ground is not level around here, and a ladder might not be as safe as I'd like.  Come to think of it, a ladder might work after all.  I need to look at that again before I start doing anything.

The rest is a bit of speculation about building it.

The tarp project involved putting a 2x4 stud with a brace on the rear bumper.  The tarp shred to pieces long ago, so it isn't necessary anymore.

This setup can be adapted rather easily, I think towards making one side of the ladder.  The other side could be attached either to a wall or to the bumper.  The RV is parked against the wall of a building, so the building is very stable.

The wall option would not be as easy to mount the trailer.  The bumper side does not match up easily, so it may take some creativity to get it to line up.

More on this later.

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