Wednesday, April 3, 2019

DIY Wind Turbine for $32

Retired at 40

He says that it works, but offered no proof.  It may have a weakness that even I can see.  Nevertheless, I am putting it up because it might actually be worth an attempt.  Someday, maybe.

A test of an actual out - of - the - box system rated at 400 W, but actually it got only about half that, he says.

Why bother with this???  Maybe for the exercise???

It generates about 10 amps according to his test.  A couple of solar panels will do that much, and would cost less.

Wind could be used if you want something of a backup in cloudy weather, which also has wind.

Also wind is 24/7, while the sun is only half a day.

Here's another dude, John Daniel, who has a video showing his set up.  He is enthusiastic about his stuff, so maybe this would be worth another look some fine day.

Here's an older video below, which is probably the same turbine a year later above ^^^^^^



Installation of the wind turbine:

Shows how to do some welding.  Interesting.

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