Friday, April 5, 2019

Wasting time

This lifestyle I am living now is breaking down all self-discipline.  It has been 2 and a half years since I came out here, and what have I accomplished?

Woke up this morning, then promptly went back to sleep.  I am sleeping too much.  When I am not sleeping, I am sitting in front of this computer reading things and watching videos.  There isn't much getting done here.

Therefore, I get up and try to watch more videos, but with a purpose.  But that fails, too.  All it did was to reinforce the feeling that I am not making any progress.  The videos are too complex, and involve too much work, it seems.

An example was a solar cabin video.  The guy's name is Lemar Alexander, from whom I bought some simple tiny house plans several years ago.  Turns out that his plans are not going to work out there.  Too windy.  Anyway, I watched another one of his videos that seemed like it might be interesting, but it turns out to be too complex.  He showed how to salvage appliances out of a trailer. 

I really don't want to do that.  If I foul up a working trailer, then I will not have the use of it anymore.

Better to enclose it instead.  Basically, I just wasted my time watching the video.  His wasn't the only one.  There were others that I hoped would help me hone my skills somewhat.  Maybe I got something out of it.

One thing I need to be careful about, and that is making the building square and level.  If I fail at that, the building will be fouled up.

Is there any lesson learned here?  Only that I don't ever seem to learn.  I do the same things over and over again.  This off-grid business really isn't any different from the other things that I have done all my life.  Those things have not worked out.  What will make this work, and therefore be different?

The day is not starting off well.

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