Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Update, 7/29/24


Still waiting on the battery. As for the water experiment, it's producing fairly clean water. But clean water is going in. At least it's not dirtier than when it started. My methods are producing more water than I'm consuming in the swamp cooler. Also, I am tempted to try to hook up the climate control ductless mini-split heat pump. It would be really cool ( as a manner of speaking), to recycle water that was produced with the solar energy produced while cooling down the joint. Not to mention that there would be some left over. Water that is.

More parts came in, and I'm puzzling out this Pixel phone. One of these days I will learn that plans just don't go as well as they are planned to do when I think them up.


It's pretty lively around here. Too lively. I have to scale back the activity, and keep it simple. It's getting a bit too complex.

That said, the filter thing is coming along, and the parts are coming in slowly. Maybe by the time the parts get here, the hooking up process for the solar panels shouldn't be too much of a pain. Famous last words? Hope not.

7/29/24: Set up a new water filter, and testing it out.

A new battery is still on the way, some of the other parts may arrive today.

A quick review shows that the quonset idea would be the quickest and cheapest way to set up a shelter out there.

However, I would need a septic arrangement. I looked into that back then, and got an application for a permit for a septic system. Obviously, I did not install it.

In fact, I think I'd rather get something more basic. Something like a composting toilet. These are on the list of approved devices for a septic permit in Texas. But I have to get serious about building something out there before I even start in on a project like that.

Nothing is ruled in, nothing is ruled out. The property is being held in case a bug out of here is necessary. If and when an acceptable bid is made, it won't be sold. In any event, a serious attempt at marketing this thing won't be made either. I will honor my post for only so long. If I take it down, it goes completely off-market.

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