Monday, August 5, 2024

Update, 8/2/24


It is scheduled to arrive sometime this afternoon. The battery, that is.

The only thing I need to do is to swap out the battery that is hooked up now. The panels have charged the lead acid battery up to full, so the system is working. Once the LifePo battery gets here, the settings have to be adjusted, but that is no biggie. Shouldn't take too long now.

Update to the update: It has arrived. It is also installed and charging. It won't make 100% charged because it is so late in the day. We'll tee it up, and go at it again tomorrow.


Getting ready to hook up the big battery once it arrives. Scheduled for tomorrow. Things have a way of getting complicated, though. A shipment was screwed up, so how to handle it? It turns out I could fix it, or send it back. I decided to fix the problem, because I didn't want to wait around again for parts. What was the problem? These guys reversed the polarity of a connection which can fit only one way. The fix was to cut the wire into and splice it back together again.

The fix is where the complexity came in. It's a bit of a shaky fix. Hopefully, it will be suffiicent for the job that I will call upon it to do.

It is a lot easier to think up a plan than to execute it. Interesting days these days. Lots of frustration, but eventually it seems to work out.


Parts for the solar power system keep dribbling in. Almost everything is here now, except the battery.

While waiting for the battery, I set up the wiring, and tested it with a voltmeter. Everything is just about set.

Also, the water experiment continues. I just wish the thing would leave the water cleaner, not dirtier. The filter doesn't filter too well. That's all for now.

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