Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Update, 8/13/24

4:45 PM

Shut down the experiment after only 1 1/2 hrs. The main battery was discharging faster than yesterday. That's the main reason.

I have to re-think this, and come back to it some other time. This is really not worth all this effort. The conclusion at this point is that if you need electricity to power climate control, you will have to pay a lot. Better to find some other way than to use electricity. Less is more, to put it succinctly.

9:00 AM Over time, this can become something of a routine. For instance, first thing in the morning, collect the water. Run it through the water filter and/or use it to do a pre-wash. Yes, I've got a small washer thing that I've hardly used.

Back at the trailer, it was buried beneath all the stuff I had inside. Since I've been here, it has been buried beneath the stuff I've got in the van. It has been liberated as I've emptied the van. Relatively liberated that is. I'd like to build a lean-to shack in back to stow it so that it is more accessible. Right now, it is by the back door of the van. I have to climb inside to access it. What a pain in the butt.

So, the next project is to build that shack. As for the solar power system, I'll be using that equipment to power my tools that I'll be needing to build that shack. I've got a little power trailer that I can pull around with me which can reach any point on this property. Just bring along the power tools and the power trailer, and get down to business.

It has taken awhile to get to this point. Things are coming along. Slowly, because I move slowly these days.

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