Monday, August 12, 2024

Update 8/12/24

8:15 PM

Nope, not enough power to do anything really. Indeed, I may be pressing my luck to go much further with it. I have to say that this move is not recommended.

6:28 PM

The latest run just completed, was from 3:00 PM to a little after 6:00 PM. I'd say it ran for nearly 3 1/2 hours. It powered the dehumifier to produce a little over a half gallon of water.

At present, I'm guessing it has enough power to run a charger that will charge up the lead acid battery. We'll see. I haven't checked on it since it conked out on the dehumifier. I will mention it if it does, but not now. Cuz I just don't know yet.

11:46 AM The solar power system is starting to become mature, as I work out the details one-by-one. Today, I extended the weatherproofing of the system, since certain parts need to stay dry. In the meantime, I am running the system through its shakedown and getting to know its capabililties. For instance, the dehumidifier can be run about three hours before the battery runs down. I may be repeating myself, so I'll stop here. There's another run to do today, and that will begin in the late afternoon.

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