Sunday, August 11, 2024

Modern folks are spoiled rotten


Can't say that I'm surprised at the discharge rate now. It did pretty much the same as before. So, the capacity is about 3 hrs for this dehumidifier, and it will produce about 3 quarts of water. One wonders if this is all worth it. Only now do I think like that. Oh, well.

The system is inadequate for all but the most low energy tasks. It's rather expensive for such small results. Back to being spoiled, I guess.

8/10/24: 3:35 PM

Surprised me how fast it discharged this time. It isn't a straight line thing, or so it seems. The voltage went down pretty fast. Much faster than I expected. Now it is charging.

1:30 PM

Making another run after a few modifications. The idea is to maximize efficiency while maintaining a reasonable level of comfort. Also, an objective to actually run the big battery down and see what it can do. It has amazing capacity, or so it seems.

8:31 AM Continuing with the experiment. Using the battery to run the dehumidifier while the swamp cooler humidifies. Why? Basically to test it out at this point. Don't really need to run anything at the moment. Just want to observe this while it works.

8/9/24: 8:11 AM

Just did some "morning chores" that I deem necessary to run my experiments. This off-grid stuff is a LOT OF WORK. Then why do it?

Good question. It seems crazy. I know my mother, if she were still alive, would say I was crazy. She said that enough while she was still alive.

The point of this is to have something to count on in case of the SHTF, which could occur at any time. Assuming I survive the initial holocaust, I will be able to live off the land and sustain myself.

Not too sure why I would want to survive that though. There was the saying that the livng would envy the dead.

Enough with the gloomy stuff. Another reason is to wean myself off the Big Government/Corporate tit. It is that dependency which is feeding the monster that may consume us all.

The monster being the all powerful government.

Another reason for doing it is that I am an old cantankerous fart.

5:20 PM

A short blurb here to mention that the inverter arrived, and is now hooked up. The big batt is charging the little batt, and it is also running the dehumifier. Until it blows up or something. Cross my fingers.

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