Thursday, August 29, 2024

Time for a little thinking

8/29/24, 6:47 AM A bit of fine-tuning needs to take place while the weather does its thing. Got a bit windy yesterday. The seasons are changing. Instead of very hot and dry weather, we've entered a period of sudden thunderstorms and rain.

I've built some structures to keep things dry. It won't do to have electronics get wet. This has worked mainly, but it could be better.

As for running the dehumidifier, I am beginning to wonder if that is a total waste of effort. But I haven't built it the way I need to, so that conclusion is a bit premature.

To repeat, the dehumidifier and evaporative cooler are intended to work together as a type of climate control. The principles are the same, but instead of chemicals, I am using plain old water.

For instance, in any cooling system, there is an evaporating unit and there is a condensing unit. The cooling effect comes from the evaporator, and a warming effect comes from the condensor. The idea is to remove heat from an area by having the evaporator cool an area down, but the water has to come out, which heats things back up. To actually get the heat out, the hot air is sent out a window through a ventilation device. The problem is that my ventilation device is not working properly.

Such an arrangement with water isn't very effective, but it is low energy. Probably can be considered low-tech too. The advantage is that it is lower hanging fruit, so to speak. Any yahoo can do this, so here I am doing it.

1:08 PM

Just completed a re-work of the ventilation for the dehumidifier. Checked it out, and it does seem to be doing much better. There won't be any use of the solar panels, so it will run on grid power to test out the dehumidifier, and there's a change in how the mini-split will work, too. Perhaps I can find out something useful in this exercise.

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