Saturday, August 31, 2024

Integrated the system

Another 3 hour run. This time with the new inverter, which didn't make a difference.

By integration, I mean that the water goes into a closed loop. It is collected and reused, over and over. At least that is the goal.

Problems along the way have interfered with the system being implemented on an operational basis. It is still experimental. It may always be that way because this really isn't worth much, as we'll see.

There are only a few hours each day to gather the solar power that will run the system. It may be best to start before daylight so that the amount of water collected is maximized. Perhaps 6 AM to 9 AM would be best. The ending time is about the beginning time when the solar power can be collected in order to recharge the battery.

The condensing part will continue with the mini-split after the dehumifier run in the morning. The mini-split can collect more water than the dehumifier because it is more powerful. The evaporative cooler will run with the water that will come from the previous day's collection from the mini-split, plus any water that was collected from the dehumidifier run early in the morning.

All together, I may collect close to three gallons of water per day. That will run the evaporative cooler for several hours. The late afternoon will probably not have any assistance from the evaporative cooler. It will dry out the inside, and it will go into the collection can outside where the mini-split works, to be used the next day.

So there's the system, for what it is worth. What's it worth? Probably not much. It may not save but a few pennies worth of electricity each day. It's not at all economical. But it's "green". How lovely. The water gets used over and over. How admirable.

The water would be worth more with some other use, but this is sufficient for now. Water on the desert is priceless. Or the same if the water service is disrupted in the city. So there's that going for it.

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