Monday, August 26, 2024

Experiments are hitting a snag

8/26/24, 7:01 AM

There haven't been updates for the last few days. Writing a blog has to be a habit, otherwise, the outcome is like before. The blog gets neglected.

Let's not make that mistake again.

Work continues, despite the lack of blogging. It seems that my mosquito control needed a part, so I got it. However, I noticed when I put it in, which is a screen, that my plastic water receptacle broke. The trouble is that it was leaking all over the place, as opposed to leaking into the bucket like I wanted it to.

I tried repairing the old Frisbee. The Frisbee is turned upside down, which allows it to collect water. I cut a notch into the side of the Frisbee, so it would leak out and into the bucket. Alas, the Frisbee cracked. That's what happens with plastic. It gets old, and it cracks easily.

I used some Flexiseal to repair the crack, but it didn't work. This morning, there was water all over the place again, as the Frisbee is leaking where I don't want it to.

I may have to engineer a new receptacle that is like a Frisbee if this thing isn't repairable.

Thing is, I need it to rest on two by fours that the weight of the sand and pebble mixture that makes up the bulk of the home-made water-filtration device. It sits on top of the 5 gallon bucket which collects the filtered water. This is one heavy mother with all that wet sand and pebbles inside of the other 5 gallon bucket being used to house the filter.

In short, this isn't going smoothly.

As for the solar power aspect, I am running another experiment. That's not going like I'd like either. It seems that I gather plenty of power, but there's not enough ways to get use out of it. Dehumidifying and collecting the water will use up the battery for sure, so that leaves out climate control. Now I'm just gathering water with the excess power. And not much water at that. Power is only "excess", because there's not enough power to run the mini-split.

10:43 AM

The fix using flexiseal is working after an adjustment in its position. A four hour run with the dehumidifier on and the swamper off produced NO WATER. It doesn't seem worth it to use it in the summer. Maybe the winter.

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