Sunday, March 17, 2019

Off-grid post, 2.18.19--- Next step



It may be better to check out the possibility that of simply turning right toward to the cabin site, instead of making all those turns.  If there isn't any impediment to that, that would be the best bet.


After only 3 hours out there, and nothing else done, I am now regretting that I couldn't do
more.  Besides drilling a hole, and filling it back in, I did scout around a bit in the
immediate area for a possible cabin site.

This is like everything else in this project--- easier said than done.  Sure, I stepped out
a possible turnaround zone for the trailer, but after examining the waypoints, it doesn't
appear to be large enough without some clearing of vegetation.  That is what is needed

An idea came to me to put the cabin in another spot which I had marked in an earlier trip.

This spot is just to the east of a "plowed" region that has since disappeared.  The deep
rows are now worn down, and it may be easier to use that as a drive way as opposed to clearing
out a spot from this other place.  The distances are okay, so it is just a matter of which
of these two spots that I will end up picking.  The one with the least amount of work
should win.  It may sound pretty lazy, but there are no real advantages of one over the other.

Or, I should say, no advantages except by ease of access.  The area I contemplated on this
last trip would require a turnaround.  This area that I am reconsidering will require no
turnaround.  I would just pull straight in, after a right turn.  The other would require
several turns.  A right turn, then a left turn, then a circle around before pulling in.

Therefore, the simplest procedure would be to pull straight in.  So, the next trip would
involve checking out this other alternative location.

After this has been decided, the next step would be to clear out the vegetation.

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