Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Off grid post 9.18.18 ( Garmin v google maps )

Today was spent calculating a lot of GPS coordinates, and using them to access
Google map satellite views of my property.  Likewise, a route to the property
was constructed by using all the waypoints from the handheld GPS device.

The GPS device does not have a format that is convenient to use with Google Maps,
hence all the calculations. There is a conversion page, but that isn't 100%
easy to use either.  I had to figure out how to get the latter part, the minutes
and seconds, to match up with a format that would make the conversion so that
Google could use it.

The format that was needed for the webpage to convert looked like this:

N31°18'25.68"  W105°20'2.16"

However, the GPS would give a decimal minutes format.  In other words, in the
above coordinates, for north latitude of 31 degrees 18 minutes, the remainder
of the coordinates would be in decimals.  This looks the same as above, but it
isn't.  You have to multiply the number in the GPS coordinates by 60 in order to
get seconds.  You have 60 seconds in a minute, see?

To get back to the GPS handheld format, divide 25.68 from the example above for
latitude, and you get the original format in fractions of a minute.  (.428)

This took me several hours today in order to do all this work.  The results are
a lot of screen shots of where the waypoints that were in the GPS device.

Now I have a lot of pretty pics that I can post online, if I wish to.

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