Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Voice of Russia: Cold fusion: reality or utopia?

But all the same, is cold fusion reality or utopia? The Voice of Russia addressed this question to president of the Kurchatov Institute and Academician at the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Velikhov.
There is not a single study indicating that cold fusion is essentially impossible.
Soon we will find out what this Italian novelty really is - a great invention or just another hoax

I'm of the opinion that there is no such thing as cold fusion, but that this Rossi Focardi device isn't necessarily "cold".  But it is fusion. Since I am not a trained physicist, my opinion is likely not to be taken seriously.  I came up with my idea about this after reading about the Polywell device and Focus Fusion devices.  These are not the conventional means of getting toward a net energy device, but they are not controversial.

I think the key thing is how much energy is applied to the atoms at the molecular nanoscale.  If sufficient energy can be delivered to a very small region, it would be sufficient to enable fusion.  I think that this could be happening in "cold fusion" and it is just a matter of reproducing those conditions in which it can occur.  This may be the secret to designing a useful device.

Rossi-Focardi may have discovered this and don't know it yet.  Or they do know it, but they don't want to say how they did it.

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