Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Morning Summary, 6/1

It doesn't show it here, but there were over 3000 pageviews for May.  So, I'll show it here, or below:
Hurray!  Hubba, hubba, hubba, as Rush likes to say.

Onward and upward.  But the shuttle came down overnight.  And I missed it.  It looks like it was an early morning landing, which is strange.  Why?  Wouldn't they want everyone to see?  It is almost like they wanted it to be a secret.

Don't want to lose this thought, which happens a lot now that I'm getting to be an old fart.  It is about the passage of time.  Everybody has a different perspective, because people are of all ages, so their viewpoint is influenced by the time in which they have lived.  For me, I can remember the sixties.  I can remember the first part of the space program.  I was a little kid, and they brought a TV in the classroom so all of us little kiddies could see John Glenn blast off.  It was a big deal back then.  But not so much anymore.  One of these days, it may become a big deal again to do what has already been done.  That's because people have gotten used to it, then when it is gone, it becomes a novelty to see it again.  The Shuttle program is ending, and the manned space program is in jeopardy.  There is a risk we may not see it again for a very long time.

A second thought that I don't want to forget.  That's the importance of friendship.  People these days, and perhaps it has always been true, tend to forget about this.  Don't forget who your friends are.  It is a lonely world indeed not to have any.  I know what that is like and it is not a good place to be.  There is always this insecurity that you are going to be alone to face something that you would like to have friends with you at the time.  The world is not always a nice place.  That's putting it mildly.  Don't be an asshole.  Be a friend.  If you are lucky, the friendship may be returned.  A sobering thought.  But a true one.  Don't forget.

Oops!  Talking about forgetting!  I forgot to publish this post.  Dang!

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