Thursday, May 5, 2011

2:00 Update

Back to the Nuclear Journal and comments.  Here's one that was interesting in that it summed up what they are trying to achieve.
Dear Ing. Rossi,

I have been reading a lot of documentation relevant to your recent involvement with Focardi, as well as the previous studies conducted on Ni-H by Focardi and Piantelli, which managed to produce a working cell with an output of 40 W (thermal). I have also thoroughly listened to all the recent interviews from you and Focardi. As far as I understand, the breakthrough acceleration you gave in the development of a usable device based on their original experiments can be summed up (at least) by the following:

1) use of nickel powder instead of nickel rods, to increase available surface

2) use of “enriched” nickel (62 Ni and 64 Ni) instead of “natural mix” nickel, to maximise reaction rate with H and fusion into stable 63 and 65 Cu

3) use of high pressure H2 gas instead of low pressure (below 1 bar as in original experiments) to maximise interaction Ni-H

4) use of undisclosed catalyst compounds to maximise rate and stability of the Ni-H reaction process

Are the above points 1 to 4 correct?

Thank you
Ing. Carlo Ombello

By way of this comment, I managed to get another post that explains the process.   This seems to be the most clear discussion of the process yet.  But it gets us back to hydrinos.  What are these?  I discussed that, but what are they really?  Can they be protons matched up with muons?  But if so, where do the muons come from?  From space, but how are they put into practical use?  If not muons, then how?

I'm going through a lot of comments here.  It takes a long time to get through them all.

Here's something interesting.  Rossi says he got his inspiration from the guys who were discredited with respect to their cold fusion device many years ago.

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